An Introduction to the ITC Peace Meditation

The ITC Peace meditation, work of which started in the late 1930s, can be described as an affirmative action, both inviting and supporting work of angels. It is therefore important for those who get involved to understand its background. The story begins with the process of Creation, and the related role of the angels. Theosophy teaches that Creation has two different aspects: matter and consciousness. The one does not...

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2-6 June: Seminar Cooperative Work with Invisible Worlds

During this immersive workshop with Kurt Leland, we will learn about invisible planes and beings, clairvoyance and the inner senses, and the spiritual paths of mystics, empaths, and seers. We will examine how best to work with invisible humans (teachers, afterlife workers, and the dead) and invisible nonhumans (nature spirits, fairies, devas, and angels). And we will develop guidelines and spiritual practices to support safety and self-care in cooperative...

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