5 to 7 of October 2022: International Theosophical History Conference

The theosophical movement, innovations in esotericism and spirituality

Since 1986 a series of International Theosophical History conferences (ITHCon) have been held, mostly in London, at which scholars within the Theosophical Movement and from the academic world in general, have gathered together to share and discuss Theosophical History.

This year, the ITHCon will be hosted in Naarden, The Netherlands, at the International Theosophical Centre, founded in 1925, offering a unique forum for discussion and exchange of ideas on Theosophical history.

Keynote Speaker
Marco Pasi, PhD “Theosophy in Contemporary Art: Between Innovation and Continuity” (University of Amsterdam).

Conference Committee
• Conference Chair: Prof. Tim Rudbøg (Associate professor, Science of Religion, director of the Copenhagen Centre for the Study of Theosophy and Esotericism, University of Copenhagen)
• Prof. James Santucci (Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at California State University, Fullerton.)
• Secretary: Erica Georgiades (MRes Religious Experience Cand, University of Wales Trinity Saint David; PgD Merit Ancient Religions UWTSD; BA, Hons, Philosophy and Psychological Studies OU).
• Bjarke Stanley Nielsen, PhD Candidate (Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies of the University of Copenhagen).

With the support of the Blavatsky Trust.
For more information visit this website or download the programme here.

Day visitors
For this conference day visitors are welcome. You do not need te register. Bring your own food. Beverages are provided for. Fee: € 20 per day, payable at Besant Hall.

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