Come and join us to celebrate the 100th birthday of the ITC in a weekend full of inspiring talks, music and dance and of course there will be cake! More information to follow soon....
Continue reading5-9 December – Retreat: Initiation with Kurt Leland
Initiation is one of the most intriguing and mysterious subjects encountered among the teachings of the Theosophical Society, suggesting that there are various steps and stages by which to gauge our spiritual development. Yet, historically, such teachings have been among the most likely to be misunderstood and misused and the least likely to affect our daily lives in any practical or recognizable way. After earlier successful and much appreciated...
Continue reading6 oktober – Kennismakingsdag: theosofie in de praktijk van het leven
Kennismakingsdag 2024 Theosofie in de praktijk van het leven Deze kennismakingsdag is in het bijzonder bedoeld voor nieuwe leden van de Theosofische Vereniging en belangstellenden. Er is in het programma veel ruimte voor onderlinge uitwisseling. Theosofen zijn allemaal wel een beetje verschillend in hun opvatting van praktische theosofie. Omdat elk wezen zijn eigen ontwikkelingsgang heeft, kijkt iedereen vanuit verschillend perspectief. Hoe brengen theosofen hun ideeën over mens en wereld...
Continue reading18 – 22 September: The Four Great Vows of Boddhisattva – Meditation and Silent Retreat with Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu
THE FOUR GREAT VOWS OF BODHISATTVA 1 – Sentient beings, without number, I vow to help and save them all. 2 – Afflictions, limitless, I vow to eliminate them all. 3 – Doctrines, innumerable, I vow to study them all. 4 – Buddha’s dharma, supreme, I vow to realize it completely. As various successive crises have shaken human confidence in the future, it is undeniable that consciousness is evolving...
Continue readingVrijwilligers gezocht
Niets is zo leuk om met een paar gelijk gestemde mensen een klus te klaren, en ook aspecten van ons spirituele werk te ervaren. En dat in een mooie omgeving! Het Internationaal Theosofisch Centrum (ITC) in Naarden is een prachtig landgoed met een bijzondere sfeer. Het centrum ontvangt gasten met verschillende achtergronden uit de hele wereld voor onder andere seminars en retraites. Het ITC is volledig afhankelijk van de...
Continue readingOptions for temporary volunteers working at ITC
The work at International Theosophical Centre Naarden, the Netherlands, (ITC) is performed on a day-to-day basis by a sizeable group of volunteers, living at or near the Centre. In addition to this ITC welcomes volunteers to come and stay at the Centre for a few weeks or months, to experience life at our spiritual centre in this manner, while contributing to various aspects of its ongoing endeavours. Volunteers come...
Continue readingUpcoming Events / Komende evenementen
Zet de datum vast in je agenda! Zaterdag, 11 maart 2023 Besant Hall, Meentweg 9, Naarden TVN themadag: ‘Wat is Bewustzijn?’ Met Arie Bos, Ingmar de Boer, Wim Leys en Arend Heijbroek. Zie evenement TVN voorjaarsdag ‘Wat is Bewustzijn?’ Zaterdag, 29 april 2023 Besant Hall, Meentweg 9, Naarden Themadag met Klaas van Egmond over Wijsheidtradities en praktische spirituele consequenties. Nadere informatie volgt. Save the date! Friday, June 2-Wednesday...
Continue readingSunday 23 October: Friends Day
Dear Friends of the Centre, We have been able to organise an attractive program for the day. 10.30 Welcome in the Besant Hall with coffee 11.00 Exhibition of paintings and sculptures related to the recently published book by Jaap Vos: “Being Is”, a book that does not want to be a book. 12.00 Lunch break. Bring your own sandwiches. Weather permitting: take a walk around the ITC and experience the work...
Continue readingThe ITC Peace Meditation
The ITC Peace meditation, work of which started in the late 1930s, can be described as an affirmative action, both inviting and supporting work of angels. It is therefore important for those who get involved to understand its background. The story begins with the process of Creation, and the related role of the angels. Theosophy teaches that Creation has two different aspects: matter and consciousness. The one does not...
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